What is a mastermind?

You will benefit from peer-to-peer mentoring, where everybody brings their unique skills and knowledge to the table to collectively help, support and solve problems for each other.

You give and receive in a small group, rather than only being on the receiving end, everybody helps each other.

This is not a new concept, having been around for over 80 years. Some of the greatest names in history have credited their success to mastermind groups - Andrew Carnegie - a billionaire in the steel industry, Napoleon Hill talks about them in his world-famous book - Think and Grow Rich. There was even an author's mastermind group containing C.S Lewis and J.R.R Tolkein.

What do you do in a Mastermind?

Meet once a month, either virtually or in person to discuss your goals and what might be holding you back.

Share skills and knowledge, brainstorm ideas, problem solve, get feedback on plans, create plans to reach your goals and be held accountable.

Great networking opportunity as you form close relationships with others in your group - referrals etc.

Usually, some way to keep in contact outside of the meetings for continued support and contact with each other.

Why are Masterminds beneficial?

Accountability, powerful brainstorming, access to a master brain when a group of brains work together to solve problems or inspire new opportunities.Seeing what’s possible, rather than being held back by your own limiting beliefs. Be part of a strong network and access the network of the others in the group, too.Test ideas and plans, get feedback and objective views to ensure your plans are solid.Celebrate success and unpick failures to learn from them.

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Who can join a Mastermind?

Anybody who is driven to achieve a goal, who wants to support and be supported. People wanting to elevate themselves by being surrounded with ambitious, successful people. You could be a business owner, from solopreneur to the CEO of a large company. Founders, leaders, and any professional who is keen to gain knowledge and push themselves further.

What kind of business benefits?

All business owners and, subsequently their businesses can benefit. At Boardroom Buddies, our focus is on helping micro and small businesses that are established and ready to move forwards and or make changes. Of course, no one is going to do the activity for you, but your peers will help with new ideas, thoughts, shared experiences and general support when you need it.

What can I expect to pay?

The face-to-face Boardroom Buddies is a whole day per month and, for the first six months, includes 1-2-1 coaching with me on a monthly basis so that we can really work on you getting your investment back and moving your business forwards. For this plus a few other extras, you will pay £245 plus VAT.The online Boardroom Buddies Lite version is a monthly two-hour meeting via Zoom purely working on your goals and overcoming any challenges to move your business forward. For Boardroom Buddies lite plus a few extras, you pay £57.95 per month plus VAT

How to choose a Mastermind group?

The Mastermind process has been around for a very long time, and most successful people will tell you that they didn’t make it without the people around them.

At first, you may not feel part of it, and it is difficult to judge immediately if you will get on with everyone but trying it out to see if you are a good fit or if the group is a good fit can help you decide. In Boardroom Buddies, I ask that you sign up for 6 months so that you can benefit from the coaching and group support and tackle some of those immediate issues that you might be facing. I don’t want you to be part of something that you dislike intensely, so if you join us, give it a try, do everything that you commit to doing, and it still doesn’t work, then you are not tied into it. ……no one has left us so far!

What is Boardroom Buddies?

A business mastermind brought to you by Jackie Casey Consulting. Jackie has over 20 years of experience in consulting across a variety of industries.

Why did you start it?

I have had over 40 years of experience running or being involved in small and micro businesses, as well as being employed in larger businesses for periods of time when my daughter was growing up.

I am fascinated by how people think and do what they do and the mindset that they have to succeed and so qualified as an organisational psychologist 10 years ago. This opened up new thinking and understanding and added depth to my already accredited Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming(NLP).

I have a lot of experience developing senior people, some of whom were and are business owners, and as I find helping people to develop and succeed personally satisfying, starting a mastermind was almost a given.

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How long has you run Masterminds?

The first Mastermind was for a woman's group called Achievers Academy for Women, run by Jo Cameron about 12 years ago. I have to thank her for the training that she gave to all of her team leaders, and in a way, we were our own mastermind, so experienced how useful this format is for myself. Although the organisation no longer exists, I am still in touch with many of those businesswomen, and some are very close friends. I went on to become part of the Institute of Directors Women as Leaders initiative and was vice chair of the committee for the Midlands, the region at the time. We met most months, and everyone found it extremely useful. In fact, two of those ladies are now clients. Often I stood in for the regional chair of the IoD to run the mixed-gender regional mastermind.

Are you currently part of any other Masterminds?

Not currently, and that is partly because, as the facilitator, I get so much from Boardroom Buddies that I find that I implement a lot that I make note of during the meeting. In addition, I am used to setting goals and actions for the week or month, but I wouldn’t rule out being part of another mastermind at all.

How does it work?

We meet face to face for a whole day each month well as having a private Whatsapp group and zoom catch-ups in between.

Prior to starting, all members will sign a non-disclosure agreement so that everyone can feel comfortable discussing their business in the group.There is a maximum of six people because we don’t just cover the ‘mastermind’ activity, there is a development/knowledge section, and I like to make sure that each individual has enough time to ‘table’ what they are trying to achieve or the challenges that they are currently facing. And give enough time for discussion and ideas.

In the Boardroom Buddies Podcast, the group also say how they value the fact that we can acknowledge and celebrate what has been achieved and also have thinking time to be purposeful in setting their next goals for the month.

What can I expect to gain from it?

Overcome barriers to success or goal attainment - mindset development for psychological ones and education to improve general business knowledge and skills.Networking and relationship building with a close group. A sense of belonging, feeling like you’re part of something. A close-knit community feel with that you will come to know, like and trust. The confidence boost that you have a group of brains to help you problem solve and brainstorm to propel you to your goals.Dedicated time to work ON your business, to plan and review with objective views of close and knowledgeable peers.

Plus accountability to and with the group. I don’t check your homework or give you a telling-off if you don’t achieve what you committed to doing but what I will do is encourage you to be accountable to yourself.

All of this will inspire and energise you to take the actions that you need to do to achieve your goals.  It is about moving your business forwards at your pace, the way that you want after all, we are all different and want different things for our lives and our businesses.

I also promise that if you make the commitment and do what you have said and taken on board what your peer group have suggested, then you will change things for the better, whether that is more sales, more business development activity, overcoming a lack of confidence or just generally running your business more effectively.

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What if I don't like the other members?

It is difficult to know immediately if you will fit into a group or the group will fit you, but the best way is to come along and get involved before you make a decision or take part in the Discovery sessions.

Is it suitable for anyone?

Yes Mastermind face to face or via zoom will be suitable for anyone.  The focus of Boardroom Buddies is on micro and small business owners because they tend to have the autonomy to make their own decisions about their business activity and direction. Plus I am a micro business owner just like you and my aim is to support people just like us.

What kind of businesses are involved?

Family-owned and individual solopreneurs who may or may not have employees.  It is most beneficial when there is a diverse group of people who come together with varied ideas and thinking.  They will be like-minded in their values, and this is why when you come along to visit, we are pleased if you get involved in discussions so that you can get to know us and we can get to know you. 

Is my business too new to join?

Not necessarily it may be that you are experienced at running a business just not this one!  As a group, we will do all that we can to help you become established and grow quickly and at the same time, you will be able to offer your experiences of running a business in the past.

What if I don't want to work in a group?

Of course, it may be that you would prefer a singularly focused programme and this is where I can coach on a 1-2-1 with you.  This may allow sessions to take place at a more convenient time if you can’t make a regular meeting.  You will get the same amount of time and input but may not benefit from the group's ideas and experience.  However, the podcasts are available so that you can always listen to subject matter experts talk about different aspects of business.

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